Thursday 2 July 2015

TechniQuest 2015

This week me and my Mum, brother and little sister went to Techinquest in Wrexham for a chemistry workshop, where we did an experiment and also watched a presentation on different things to do with chemistry.

 The first part of our chemistry extravaganza was testing a towel and Hyrdrogels saturation ability by squirting pipettes full of water on them, for every pipettes emptied we added one mark to our tally until they were fully saturated (Something is saturated when dripping with a liquid). The towel got to around 25 pipettes full and the Hydrogel never really was soaked fully.

The second part was listening to a presentation by one of the chemists, which included making elephant toothpaste, watching an explosion and also how to see the difference between acid and water by using a Universal Liquid.

This was also the hottest July day on record at 36C so you can imagine how hot we felt on the one
hour journey in a 36 degree car! On the way back it was even worse as we were caught in rush hour traffic.

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