Monday, 18 April 2016

DofE Practise Expedition

Image result for dofe On Saturday I went on my practise expedition for my bronze DofE award. The expedition lasted over the weekend and was a brilliant learning experience. We learnt to map read, set up our tents and did our own cooking but the best thing was the view when we were at the tops of the hills. I practically lived of Mentos and Kendle mint cake for the weekend and wolfed my tea down when I got home, thanks for that food mum! Had an awesome time and would do it again in a heart beat looking forward to my qualifier.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

DofE Photography Week Three Macro

Week three macro type photos. I would like to point out that I don't own a macro lens as to make these true macro photos, I did however take these photos on the macro settings as to give them  the correct aperture and shutter speed for a macro photo.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

DofE Photos Week Two

These are various photos taken through out the day for my DofE week Two Photography Challenge.

Early morning

Just a nice afternoon photo