Wednesday, 4 November 2015

African Adventure

Recently I have started to read a new series of books which at least to me are very enjoyable they consist of a family called the Hunts who capture animals for zoos, but some of the adventures they get up to are certainly out of the ordinary as for instance in this first book African Adventure they end up stumbling upon a group of killers called the Leopard Society who believe that they are part leopard, and in accordance to this dress in the skin of the leopard and have metal hooks representing claws which make vicious weapons. This is a very good book and so I don't want to ruin it by telling you all the story so go read it.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Work Experince

For the past four days I have been doing work experience at the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit in Ashton. I have really enjoyed my time there and would like to thank all of the Ecologists that welcomed me into the work place.

The first few days of my experience were office based, I did some mapping of SBI's (Sites Of Biological Importance ) this is one of the main sources of income for the ecologists. They have a database of all the records of all the species in that area and they transfer that across to a map.

On the third and fourth days I was outside doing habitat checks and a bird survey, With the bird survey we ended out on the moors and it was extremely windy to the point where several times we almost lost the paper we were doing the survey with! All in all I had a great time and would definitely consider going back. (If they would accept me!) The main source of info for the ecologists is through a app called Rodis which you can find online or on your phone for free.

Thursday, 1 October 2015


This year we have been on several holidays and for that I have to thank my parents,the most memorable holiday has been the one we just had at Cefn lea in Wales where home schooling families meet once a year for their holiday. Lots of things were organised by the people on holiday there. The two white boards in one of the main entrances were filled with loads of activities such as the dads vs lads football (lads won!) although I didn't take part as my football skill barely exists and I would probably be more of a hindrance then a help.
Let me also enlighten you on our pleasant experience setting the tent up (sarcasm). All was going well ,my dad was shouting orders like a drill Sargent (good job he did or it would never have gone up) my Mum, Luke and I were helping(Amy had wondered of somewhere to play with her friends) when as I was pegging down the guy ropes on one corner of the tent, there seemed to be a very unpleasant smell, so I had a look around to see if I could find any poo and then checked the bottom of my shoes but there was none. The Drill Sargent... I mean my Dad, commented that it smelt like a dead body and lo and behold he was correct.

We didn't find the body of a dead human if you were concerned, no we found a squished toad inside the lining of the tent. It seemed that on our last holiday the toad had decided to hitch a ride, what it didn't know was that it was about to be compressed  rolled and crammed into our tent bag ,the result was one very squished and very dead toad. I made sure that I slept as far away from that corner as humanely possible.

I think it was the day after we set up the tent that me my brother and dad decided to ride up the hill to the golf course which was situated above the main site, let me just tell you that the hill was steep and covered in gravel and chunks of loose rock. Once at the top of the golf course my daft Dad and brother decided to ride down it, I followed just not as fast .When we got back to the tent I decided it was quite fun to go up and down hills and while my dad went on a hike I proceeded to do nine laps of our little course. At the end it felt like I had no legs they were so numb.

They also had a cinema which they showed several movies on and while me and Luke were watching the movies Amy who cant sit still for more than five minutes went into the tube room which as the name suggests is a room full of tubes.

One of the main attractions at Cefn Lea is the water slide which is on about half way through the week and at the time I didn't know they had a water slide and so didn't partake I know I know I'm no fun deal with it. Although My brother Dad and Sister all had a go, Amy was holding on to my Dads back, here is a picture.

Me and my Dad also went on another bike ride with another guy  on the site called Tim it consisted of riding up a very steep climbing over several barbed wire fences and then a very steep long decent. This is me at the top.

One of the great things about Cefn Lea is that everybody does stuff together for instance me and my brother started playing a game of cricket and within 5-10 minutes there were 15 people playing with us.

On the final evening at Cefn lea they have a concert were everybody can do something from a thirty second pieces of music to a full song played three time through the concert. After the concert Me My Dad Brother his friend and his Dad decided to climb up the nearby mountain... in the pitch black, because why the heck not.  When we reached the top we saw a light flashing on the golf course back at Cefn Lea, so my Dad shone his flashed his torch back at them. they did the same and this gave us a good laugh even though none of us knew Morse code, when we got down from the mountain we returned to our tent and slept until morning were we promptly packed and drove home, thus ended our brilliant holiday! 

Library work experince

About a month ago I decided to do some work experience at our local library, the gist was that I made a worksheet based around world records as that was the theme and then took it with me to the library where any kids that were there would be subjected to the challenge. This was the t-shirt that I had to wear while doing the volunteering. Some of the activities I did were a paper air plane challenge a few quiz's and a ten meter all fours challenge.

The experience that I had was fun and I am about to start work experience at an ecology unit which I am excited but nervous about.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Stolen Lives

This Friday me my Mum and Dad went to a presentation raising awareness about modern slavery called Stolen Lives, it was very thought provoking and I would recommend having a look at their site. Link here

Friday, 14 August 2015

Sleep over

Yesterday we were at a sleep over at one of our friends house because my Mum and Dad had gone for there 20th anniversary up in the lakes. I just want to say thank you to them for coping with us and inviting us into there family for a day. When we got there we mucked about for an hour and then went do to the allotment they go to  as they had an open day on, everybody their was really nice and they had excellent smoothies and I got to make a batman scarecrow!!!

The day after we went to Heaton park and spent an hour in a small wood there before going for an ice cream then we went to get some gerbil bowls for their new pets but we went into this one pet shop and they had some small and medium sized snakes that they were feeding mice as we came in and if you looked through the door to the back you could see one of the staff feeding these massive snakes.

There was also the food for the pets which consisted of all manner of grubs and creepy crawlies, after visiting the shot we went back to there house for tea which was drum roll please... PIZZA!!! it was extremely nice and after tea my Mum and Dad arrived back from there anniversary to pick us up.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

TechniQuest 2015

This week me and my Mum, brother and little sister went to Techinquest in Wrexham for a chemistry workshop, where we did an experiment and also watched a presentation on different things to do with chemistry.

 The first part of our chemistry extravaganza was testing a towel and Hyrdrogels saturation ability by squirting pipettes full of water on them, for every pipettes emptied we added one mark to our tally until they were fully saturated (Something is saturated when dripping with a liquid). The towel got to around 25 pipettes full and the Hydrogel never really was soaked fully.

The second part was listening to a presentation by one of the chemists, which included making elephant toothpaste, watching an explosion and also how to see the difference between acid and water by using a Universal Liquid.

This was also the hottest July day on record at 36C so you can imagine how hot we felt on the one
hour journey in a 36 degree car! On the way back it was even worse as we were caught in rush hour traffic.

Image result for chemistry

Friday, 29 May 2015

Martin the Warrior

This book is all about Martin the Warriors rise to defeating Badrang the tyrant who captured him at a young age and forced him into slavery as well as taking his fathers sword from him and using it as his own. Badrang used to be a pirate and had a partner in crime Capitan Clogg who comes to find his former friend, they are no longer friends because the last time they were together Badrang made of with all the slaves and the ship leaving Clogg on an island and so there is a three way battle to either take Badrangs fort that he had his slaves make or Clogg or Martin take it from him. Another main character of this book is Laterose also known as Rose to her friends. Im not going to say any more so hopefully you will enjoy this book.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

We made it !!!

We have finished our live below the line challenge and as I sit here writing this I actually have a drink of fruit juice and am SNACKING!!! YEAH but seriously we did this to raise awareness for people out there in the world who do not have the luxury that we have of choosing what food we want to eat. Even though we were living on one pound a day we actually had the assurance of a meal; some people don't even know when their next meal will be. It is estimated that around 805 million or one in nine people go hungry everyday. I found that when it came down to it I really didn't miss any particular food and found this week not to be as hard as I had first thought. All in all I would recommend doing this to anybody as a challenge as you might find it quite hard not to snack!

Friday, 24 April 2015

Live below the line

Next week we will be doing the Live below the line challenge where you have to live off one pound per day for five days.To raise awareness for tear fund here is a link to the website.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Last Friday we went down to Heaton Park to see the eclipse, there was some safety precautions though. You weren't allowed to look at the sun directly as it could cause serious damage to your eyes,also wearing sun glasses actually made it worse as they trick you into thinking they are deflecting the light when they aren't. There are special glasses they gave us with a special filter but it was too dark and we couldn't see through them,luckily my dad brought his welding mask with a better filter here are some pictures.

Bottom photo was through a filter so might look weird!!!